Wendy White (Egencia) - Who's Cooking?
This is a podcast episode titled, Wendy White (Egencia) - Who's Cooking?. The summary for this episode is: <p>In this episode, Vincent and Ajay chat with Wendy White, Chief Marketing Officer for Egencia. She delves into the importance of business travel and explores the power of content marketing. She also shares tips for using Slack in some unexpected ways. Ajay is finally able to disconnect for a few hours, and Vincent revels in a compliment from Wendy. Give it a listen.</p>
In this episode, Vincent and Ajay chat with Wendy White, Chief Marketing Officer for Egencia. She delves into the importance of business travel and explores the power of content marketing. She also shares tips for using Slack in some unexpected ways. Ajay is finally able to disconnect for a few hours, and Vincent revels in a compliment from Wendy. Give it a listen.
Today's Host
Vincent Pietrafesa
|Vice President, B2B Products, Stirista
Ajay Gupta
|Founder & CEO, Stirista
Today's Guests
Wendy White
|Chief Marketing Officer for Egencia
I have the agile mindset of a startup CMO combined with the broad operational depth of a F100 marketing executive. As a high-tech marketing expert, my business acumen combined with my technical expertise is a 1 -- 2 punch.
Wendy White | LinkedIn