Tauseef Muhammad (Mindtree) - New Jersey Has Always Been Great

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This is a podcast episode titled, Tauseef Muhammad (Mindtree) - New Jersey Has Always Been Great. The summary for this episode is: <p>Tauseef Muhammad, Head of Global Marketing and Demand Generation at Mindtree explores how a degree in engineering led to a career in marketing. He also delves into the importance of explaining the “Whys” of a product, as well as how Mindtree overcame the challenges that have come with cancelled live events. Ajay is in a good mood and Vincent gets a new apartment. </p>


Tauseef Muhammad, Head of Global Marketing and Demand Generation at Mindtree explores how a degree in engineering led to a career in marketing. He also delves into the importance of explaining the “Whys” of a product, as well as how Mindtree overcame the challenges that have come with cancelled live events. Ajay is in a good mood and Vincent gets a new apartment.

Today's Host

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Vincent Pietrafesa

|Vice President, B2B Products, Stirista
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Ajay Gupta

|Founder & CEO, Stirista

Today's Guests

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Tauseef Muhammad

|Head of Global Marketing and Demand Generation at Mindtree
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