A Life Changing Risk

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This is a podcast episode titled, A Life Changing Risk. The summary for this episode is: <p>On This Weeks Episode, Co-Founders of Origin Media, Stephen Strong and Fred Godfrey join Vincent to discuss the future of Connected TV, the ins and outs of Dynamic Marketing, and the risks involved in starting their own business from the ground up.</p>


On This Weeks Episode, Co-Founders of Origin Media, Stephen Strong and Fred Godfrey join Vincent to discuss the future of Connected TV, the ins and outs of Dynamic Marketing, and the risks involved in starting their own business from the ground up.

Today's Host

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Vincent Pietrafesa

|Vice President, B2B Products, Stirista
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Ajay Gupta

|Founder & CEO, Stirista

Today's Guests

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Fred Godfrey

|CEO and Co-Founder of Origin Media
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Stephen Strong

|Co-Founder and COO of Origin Media
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