Michael Barnett (InGo) - Repairing the Compass

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This is a podcast episode titled, Michael Barnett (InGo) - Repairing the Compass. The summary for this episode is: <p>In this episode, Vincent and Ajay chat with Michael Barnett, CEO of InGo. He shares his experience working in the House of Commons, and the drastic changes in live event planning. Michael also recommends some choice books for entrepreneurs to read. Vincent tells you what not to do on LinkedIn and Ajay avoids the yard guy. Give it a listen.</p>


In this episode, Vincent and Ajay chat with Michael Barnett, CEO of InGo. He shares his experience working in the House of Commons, and the drastic changes in live event planning. Michael also recommends some choice books for entrepreneurs to read. Vincent tells you what not to do on LinkedIn and Ajay avoids the yard guy. Give it a listen.

Today's Host

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Vincent Pietrafesa

|Vice President, B2B Products, Stirista
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Ajay Gupta

|Founder & CEO, Stirista

Today's Guests

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Michael Barnett

|CEO of InGo
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