Gretchen Littlefield (Moore DM Group) - Gucci Face Mask

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This is a podcast episode titled, Gretchen Littlefield (Moore DM Group) - Gucci Face Mask. The summary for this episode is: <p>In this episode, VP of B2B Products, Vincent Pietrafesa and CEO Ajay Gupta talk with Gretchen Littlefield, CEO of Moore DM Group. Gretchen shares her journey of how she came to work in the nonprofit sector, as well as creative approaches to fundraising. The discussion also takes a turn into Zoom happy hours and the future of face-mask fashion.</p>


In this episode, VP of B2B Products, Vincent Pietrafesa and CEO Ajay Gupta talk with Gretchen Littlefield, CEO of Moore DM Group. Gretchen shares her journey of how she came to work in the nonprofit sector, as well as creative approaches to fundraising. The discussion also takes a turn into Zoom happy hours and the future of face-mask fashion.

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