Todd Kaplan (VP of Marketing, Pepsico) - Unapologetic Enjoyment

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This is a podcast episode titled, Todd Kaplan (VP of Marketing, Pepsico) - Unapologetic Enjoyment. The summary for this episode is: <p>Vincent and Ajay chat with Todd Kaplan, VP of Marketing at Pepsico. He talks about how Pepsi is a household name, and how over the decades the brand does more than just average advertising with creating content. Vincent goes on vacation to a resort, and Ajay is happy to see Vincent.</p>


Vincent and Ajay chat with Todd Kaplan, VP of Marketing at Pepsico. He talks about how Pepsi is a household name, and how over the decades the brand does more than just average advertising with creating content. Vincent goes on vacation to a resort, and Ajay is happy to see Vincent.

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