Paroma Sen (SAP) - It's About Changing The World

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This is a podcast episode titled, Paroma Sen (SAP) - It's About Changing The World. The summary for this episode is: <p>Paroma Sen, Global Marketing Director at SAP, delves into how marketing strikes the balance between art and science, explores the importance of fostering thought leadership in her day-to-day, as well as recounting an epiphany she had while living in Texas as a college student. Ajay finally catches up on sleep, and Vincent is jealous.</p>


Paroma Sen, Global Marketing Director at SAP, delves into how marketing strikes the balance between art and science, explores the importance of fostering thought leadership in her day-to-day, as well as recounting an epiphany she had while living in Texas as a college student. Ajay finally catches up on sleep, and Vincent is jealous.

Today's Host

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Vincent Pietrafesa

|Vice President, B2B Products, Stirista
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Ajay Gupta

|Founder & CEO, Stirista

Today's Guests

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Paroma Sen

|Global Marketing Director at SAP
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